NEW! AGU Advances is offering embedded rich text. Embedded rich text allows authors to place pertinent video or audio within the text of their published article. To take advantage of this exciting new feature,
1. Call out the video/audio in the text, just as you would for a figure.
2. Upload the file as one of the following: Embedded Video, Embedded Audio, Video Placeholder, Video/Audio transcript.
3. Leave the autogenerated file title and add a number. The files should be numbered sequentially according to their order in the paper.
4. Specify a still image to be used as the placeholder for each video.
5. Provide captions for all videos and still images.
6. Use the new "Auto Order" button to put the files in the correct order.
For information regarding accepted file formats and instructions for uploading, please click here.
Editor in Chief: Alberto Montanari
Peer review for all AGU Advances papers:
Transparent Review. AGU Advances is experimenting with transparent review. This means that when we publish a paper, we will also make available online the history of the review process, including reviewer comments (anonymous or self-identified). Thus, reviewers and authors need to know that their comments may be published on the web, though only in the case of papers that are ultimately accepted for publication.
Cross-review. In addition, we have agreed to make reviews available to all reviewers just prior to the editorial decision. Reviewers will have 72 hours in which to offer additional comments, and a decision will proceed regardless of whether comments are made. We hope that this allows for greater transparency and clarity, especially in the cases where reviewers have areas of disagreement.
AGU Advances requires additional elements beyond what is in a “standard” paper.
For Research Articles
Structured Abstract
Please include a structured abstract as part of your submission. This should be included in your manuscript (required) and can also be part of your cover letter (optional).The structured abstract should be no more than 250 words and follow the general structure:
Plain-Language Summary. Plain-language summaries are published alongside a paper’s scientific abstract and are a great way to communicate your work to a broader audience. Here we offer guidelines on how to write a good plain-language summary and showcase some good examples. Submitting a plain-language summary is now an option across all AGU journals, and is required for submissions to: AGU Advances, G-Cubed, GeoHealth, GRL, JAMES, JGR: Biogeosciences, JGR: Oceans, JGR: Planets, and Reviews of Geophysics.
For Commentaries click here.
Add your ORCID to GEMS and always have this identifier link you and all of your work. AGU encourages all authors and reviewers to create and add an Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) to their account. It’s easy: just update your profile on an existing account or add ORCID when you create your account. Learn more about ORCID.
ORCIDS will now be required for all corresponding authors and strongly encouraged for coauthors.All AGU journal content published from 1997 to 24 months ago is freely accessible online. Content published in AGU's open access journals, including AGU Advances, Earth's Future, Earth and Space Science, GRL, GeoHealth, G-Cubed, JAMES, and Space Weather become fully open immediately upon publication.
Please note: Your username/password will be synched across AGU and be a universal login. The AGU membership site will be accessible with the same username/password you have used or updated in GEMS, and vice versa.